PÊLE-MÊLE (Echolyse project)
A/V Installation

The audiovisual generative installation Pêle-Mêle uses a double anamorphosis visible from one sole and unique viewpoint. Upon entering the room, the viewer finds himself at equal distance between two transparent modules in the form of right angles, situated on either side of the space, which superimpose themselves on the existing environment.
Geometric content made up of vertical and horizontal lines known as “Peelings” are projected and diffused from one module to the other.
The illusion of depth generates a similar effect to “wormholes,” evoking the possibility of the existence of space-time tunnels, which could be seen as a reference to quantum physics.
Viewers are free to move around within the structure and to choose their own viewpoint, wherever they are within the space.
L'installation générative audiovisuelle Pêle-Mêle utilise une double anamorphose visible d’un seul et unique point de vue. Le spectateur en rentrant dans la salle se retrouve à égale distance entre deux modules transparents en forme d’angle droit, situés de part et d’autre de l’espace, se superposant à l’environnement existant.
Des contenus géométriques composés de lignes verticales et horizontales appelées “Pelures” sont projetés et diffusés d’un module à l’autre.
L’illusion de profondeur génère un effet semblable à des “tunnels”, évoquant l’éventualité de l’existence de portes spatio-temporelles, qui renverrait à la physique quantique.
Les spectateurs sont libres de se déplacer dans cette structure et de choisir leur point de vue, quelle que soit leur position dans l’espace.

PÊLE-MÊLE v1p1 (Delta Duo version) audiovisual installation, (computer, wood, sound, dual video projector)
Presented at Group exhibition The Clock of the Time Traveler from May 17 to July 23, 2017 / Culture Station Seoul 284 / Seoul, Korea
Curated by Seoyoon Jung, Artistic Director: Suejin Shin

Concept and design: Olivier Ratsi
Production: Culture Station Seoul 284 / Technical direction: Joan Giner / Wood structure: Soyool Jang

PÊLE-MÊLE v1p1, audiovisual installation (computer, generative software, sound, dual video projector)
Part one: 4000 x 2500 mm - Part two: 4000 x 2500 mm
Presented at Wood Street Galleries, from July 8 to September 4, 2016
Curated by Murray Horne
Concept and design: Olivier Ratsi
Production: Wood Street Galleries, Nico Boritch / Co-production: TETRO+A, Mirage Festival / Technical direction: Benoit Simon / Software developpment: Sofiane Allayen / Design structure: Vincent Obadia

PÊLE-MÊLE v1p1, audiovisual installation (computer, generative software, sound, dual video projector)
Part one: 6000 x 2000 mm - Part two: 6000 x 2000 mm
Presented at Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon, Mirage Festival from February 3 to 6, 2016 / Lyon, France
Curated by Dolus & Dolus
Photos: B-Rob
a project by Olivier Ratsi
Project management and production: TETRO+A, Mirage Festival - Technical direction: Simon, Benoit Simon - Software developpment: Sofiane Allayen