Inspired by Newton’s research on light, Spectrum takes shape through an in situ installation composed of several coloured light lines. The light decomposes through an optical prism to reveal the visible spectrum. This project unfolds through various installations in situ, with or without sound, composed of several colored light lines.
Spectrum's first version was created in summer 2019 thanks to Electric Castle festival in Bontida, Romania.
Le projet Spectrum s’inspire de l’expérience de Newton réalisée au 17e siècle sur la lumière blanche : en passant à travers un prisme optique, la lumière se décompose pour laisser apparaître le spectre visible. Ce projet se déploie via diverses installations in situ, avec ou sans son, composées de plusieurs lignes lumineuses colorées.
La première version de Spectrum a été créée durant l'été 2019 grâce au festival Electric Castle à Bontida, Roumanie.

Light installation
Fourteen suspended and seemingly disorganized light bars form a perfect parallelism from a specific point. Each bar diffuses a chromatic color of the light spectrum via a slow gravitational light movement associated with a spatialized sound track.
Suspendues et désorganisées en apparence, 14 barres lumineuses forment ensemble un parallélisme parfait depuis un point précis. Chaque barre diffuse une couleur chromatique du spectre lumineux via un lent mouvement de lumière gravitationnel associé à une partition sonore spatialisée.

F(lux), light installation created situ, 2021 - 7,4 x 7,8 x 2,5 m - 14 elements, aluminum, LED, polycarbonate, cables, computer - Sound design: Olivier Ratsi
Presented in Heureux soient les fêlés, car ils laisseront passer la lumière solo exhibition from May 19 to July 18, 2021 / Paris, France
Curated by Jos Auzende
Concept Design and Sound Creation: Olivier Ratsi - Production: La Gaîté Lyrique - Delegate Producer: Crossed Lab/Julien Taïb - Technical Manager: Guillaume Esprit - Light Design Support: Joan Giner - Technical support: Victorien Pangaud

Spectrum (horizontal frame version), light installation (computer, plexiglas, LED - 2 x 2 x 14 m)
Presented in Fascination light - (De)construction - light & space, group exhibition from October 29, 2021 to April 24, 2022 / Centre for International Light Art / Unna, Germany
Curated by John Jaspers
Concept Design: Olivier Ratsi - Production: Centre for International Light Art - Delegate Producer: Crossed Lab/Julien Taïb - Technical Manager: Thomas Leblanc

Spectrum (vertical frame version), light installation (computer, plexiglas, LED - 2 x 2 x 6 m)
Presented in Light Art Grindelwald Festival from October 8 to 17, 2021 / Grindelwald, Switzerland
Curated by Ursina Wirz
Concept Design: Olivier Ratsi - Production: Jungfrau Region - Delegate Producer: Crossed Lab/Julien Taïb - Technical Manager: Alexis Hoffschir

Spectrum #2, site-specific light installation (computer, wood, slats, LED, 2019 - 1,6 x 1,8 x 1,9 m)
Presented in Heureux soient les fêlés, car ils laisseront passer la lumière solo exhibition from May 19 to July 18, 2021 / Paris, France
Curated by Jos Auzende
Concept Design: Olivier Ratsi - Production: La Gaîté Lyrique - Delegate Producer: Crossed Lab/Julien Taïb - Construction: Atelier 15-17

Spectrum (Frame version), light installation (LED, 2 x 2 x 12 m)
Presented in Canal Convergence festival from November 6 to 15, 2020 / Scottsdale, USA

Spectrum #1, site-specific light installation (computer, LED, wood, 212 x 256 x 180 cm)
Presented in Vanishing Points solo show from December 18, 2019 to March 22, 2020 / Marseille, France
Curated by Second Nature / Zinc

Spectrum, site-specific light installation (polycarbonate tubing, metal, cables, wood, software, LED fixture, 5 m long, 4,8 m wide, 6 m high)
Presented at Electric Castle from 17.07. to 21.07.2019 19.10, Banifly Castle, Bontida, Romania
Curated by Alexandre Czetwertynski