
FRAME PERSPECTIVE (Echolyse series)

Light Installation


Frame Perspective is a luminous installation consisting of frames and LEDs. The natural perspective of the structure is enhanced by an organic light composition, like a breath or a wave. Frame Perspective resonates with its environment and its scale and rhythm, creates a physical relationship and then involves the viewer in a proper temporality.  The effect is to immerse the visitor into a fluctuating environment which connects digital technologies with physical spaces and raises questions about how reality is constructed and experienced in digital, physical and other realms.



Frame Perspective est une installation lumineuse constituée de cadres et de LED. La perspective naturelle de la structure est renforcée par une composition lumineuse organique, à la manière d’une respiration ou d’une vague. Frame Perspective entre en résonance avec son environnement et par son échelle et son rythme, crée un rapport physique puis implique le spectateur dans une temporalité propre.


Frame Perspective,  Public commission from Grand Est Region, light and sound installation (LED, wood, software, 8 audio channels),  30 x 2,4 x 30 m)

Presented at Constellations de Metz from 20.06.2019 to 07.09.2019, Maison de la Région, Metz, France

Curated by Nicolas D'ascenzio


Concept Design & Art Direction: Olivier Ratsi - Sound Design: Thomas Vaquié - Delegate Producer: Crossed Lab / Julien Taîb - Technical Support: Joan Giner

Supported by Région Grand-Est following an initiative of Constellations de Metz.


Frame Perspective,  light and sound installation (LED, wood, software, 4 audio channels), 1.6 x 2,4 x 50 m

Presented at Bristol Light Festival from February 27 to March, 1st, 2020 / Millennium Square / Bristol, UK

Curated by Katherine Jewkes


Photos by Andre Pattenden and Bristol Light Festival

Concept Design & Art Direction: Olivier Ratsi - Sound Design: Thomas Vaquié - Delegate Producer: Crossed Lab / Julien Taîb - Technical Support: Joan Giner
Supported by Région Grand-Est following an initiative of Constellations de Metz.

Frame Perspective, light installation (wood, LED, computer, software), 2,7 x 1,9 x 30 m

Presented at  Dostyk Plaza from 19.10 to 04.11 2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Curated by Institut Français du Kazakhstan


Photos by Joan Giner

Concept Design & Art Direction: Olivier Ratsi - Light Design Support & Tech Manager: Thomas Leblanc - Craftmen: Joachim Correia & Sebastien Dumas - Delegate Producer: Julien Taïb - Technical Manager: Joan Giner